Employment |
WorkForce support: For EmployeesWorkforce Specialists support participants’ recovery, reduce family stress and help remove barriers to employment while keeping recovery health a priority. This service may include connection to Vocational Rehabilitation services, screenings to match interests to education, fields, and talents, and other employment supports such as: job specific training, resume/cover letter and application writing assistance, time/spending/savings guidance, interviewing and customer service coaching, and more. Transportation to interviews, gas cards to get to work until a first paycheck, telephone check-ins for employees in recovery, are some of the resources often provided.
Employer Assistance:
We are here to support your HR Department. Multiple programs are available including personal coaching for employees that we can bring on site during a lunch hour or break to support an employee as they initiate or work to sustain recovery. If you have an employee who’s loved one is experiencing active addiction, we have family peer support available to come to your office or for you to refer to your staff inside or outside of business hours. Telehealth type appointments are also an option. Multiple trainings and employer coaching is available to support a business’ recovery friendly culture overall as we work to enhance employee productivity and retention. We are happy to assist employers in starting lunch time support meetings and brainstorming with employees and employers innovative ways to create recovery friendly workplaces.
Success Stories: Brandie R
Brandie was first referred to our agency via homeless outreach efforts. During the summer a local church group set up a hot dog stand across the street from our agency. Our staff spoke with the church volunteers about our services and very quickly we began receiving referrals from this pop-up hot dog stand that would appear once a week to provide individuals experiencing homelessness a source of free food. Brandie entered our agency describing her current situation of experiencing homelessness and substance use disorder during this time. She talked about how she felt she had lost everything due to her SUD, as she lost the ability to take care of her children and her career as a hair stylist. At her initial meeting with our staff, concrete support items were provided to her and her significant other. They had been living between campgrounds and in their vehicle but by this time were no longer able to use their vehicle for transportation because they had been stopped too many times for having an uninspected vehicle. Supports began to break down the barriers to successful recovery through connection to the recovery coaches—peers who had “been there” or had experience with systems and services and understood the challenges she faced.
Sometime after the initial meeting, Brandie was ready for treatment. Our staff supported her in accessing the Doorway in Laconia, which then assisted her in entering treatment. Brandie successfully completed this treatment and subsequently moved into a recovery home, all the while maintaining contact with the recovery coaches at our center. Brandie was successful in navigating challenges during her early sobriety, including the need to find an alternative recovery home due to a personality conflict in her initial housing situation. She was able to do so with assistance from her coaches and the doorway, without experiencing a reoccurrence despite the stress she endured. With the additional support of our Work Force program, Brandie has been able to re-establish her career as a hair stylist and remains stable in her recovery and is happily living in Concord, NH at a recovery home for women. We are so proud of her and her success!
For any other questions, please contact us via the form below.